
Datamanager is equipped with a data access system with JSON API and protected by unique Tokes.

It is possible to manage an unlimited number of tokens with the following parameters:

Value Description
Token Alphanumeric string of 32 carachters
Expire Token expiration date.
Bind Use this field if you want to block access to the token from a specific ip, leave it blank if you want to leave access open from anywhere.

API Reference

Access to the API is available at the following endpoint and is available in the GET and POST methods:[token]/

The endpoint will return structured data in JSON. Typical example of response structure:

    "valid"    :true,
    "contents"  :[{......}],
    "message"   :""
Value Description
result It can be true/false based on the result of the operation
contents Contains array with response data
message Contains reply message, particularly useful in case of negative answer to understand the nature of the error

Account Info[token]/info

Returns basic information about your account

Devices List[token]/devices

Returns the list of your smartbox devices

last device data[token]/device/[DeviceID]/all

Returns the list of all recently received data

Device Data[token]/device/[DeviceID]

Returns an object with time and value sent by the smartbox to InfluxDB

Post parameters

    "type": "See the entire list in the variables section of the guide",
    "time": "See the table below"
Name Description
6h 6 Hours
1d 24 Hours
1w 7 Days
1mo 30 Days
2mo 60 Days
3mo 90 Days
1y 1 Year