
Device represents the summary page of the data read from the device. The page shows the description of the SmartBox and its unique DeviceID.

The DeviceID is the fundamental element to identify a SmartBox in the network and is a unique value reported inside its door or in any case in a position visible only to the installer.

The deviceID, composed of 10 alphanumeric characters, can't be modified.

An overview

At the top we have 4 blocks, which show different types of data:

  • Battery: shows the state of charge of the battery in V and the presence of input current, with I/O in W.
  • Source: indicates the type of energy source (solar, cycle, hybrid) and its operation.
  • Temperature: shows the internal temperature of the device and the status of the fan.
  • Security: shows the status of the door and the date it was last opened.


  • Time chart: in the center of the page, there is the graph on which it is possible to study the different values ​​that the Smartbox sends to the system.
  • Environmental sensors: they include the values ​​of particulate matter, humidity, temperature and pressure of the environment around the Townet Smartbox.
Alert Box Description Valore
Battery Voltage Report the battery voltage. inpa4
Temperature Report the internal temperature. ds1
Door Defines the state of the cabinet door. inpd4
AC Voltage Indicates the presence of 220V current. inpd3

Device map

Indicates the geographical position where the SmartBox cabinet has been installed. The color of the placeholder determines the status of the SmartBox as follows:

Color Voice Description
Green Alive The device is sending data and there is no problem
Yellow Warnings Some data is out of specification and requires verification
Red Error The device is offline, Townet's system no longer receives any data. The device may be turned off or the signal is insufficient to send data.

You can move the placeholder in the edit screen to place it in the correct place.

Data history

The historical value displayed on the device page can be set in the device configuration under "Overview Value to display".

The graph will then be composed of the selected value. Value_box

The footer table contains all the latest data received by the system. By selecting the various values it will be possible to compare a maximum of 4 measurements on the same graph.


Note that the rows of the individual values may turn pink if the value has been received with a time greater than the expected TTL. In this case the value is considered missing.


Below are the parameters that can be changed for each device:

Value Description
Map Location of the device on the map. Changing your location will also change your latitude and longitude values
Latitude & Logitude They define the location on the map. as these parameters change, the position on the map changes.
Description Is the mnemonic name of the SmartBox, it usually indicates the installation position.
Instant notification enable Go to the page
Trigger Enabled If set to Yes, the device is checked for compliance with minimum safety values
Write to Iota Iota is a DLT where it is possible to write the data of each single SmartBox in a certified and immutable way
Remote command Go to the page
Overview Value to display Indicates the value to be used on the summary page for graphing
Enable Alive If set to this device it will check if it is online, i.e. it is sending data within the established TTL
Alive value to check It is the name of the variable that is monitored to determine the TTL of the device.
Notes It is a free descriptive field.
Alias This section can only be activated from the profile settings, it allows you to change the meaning of the variables of your Smartbox