
On this page you will find:


These boxes contain an overview of the devices linked to the account. In blue the number of total devices, in orange the active warnings and in red the switched off devices.

Alerts are calculated with a specific delay of time defined by the system and set to 5 minutes. So any modification to the state of device will affect the interface within 5 minutes

Example screenshot

Devices map

By specifying the coordinates of the devices, it is possible to view them in an interactive map as shown in the figure.

Example map

The icons will also indicate the status of the device by color, as above. The pointers, clicked, will show an overview of the device and a button to access its page.

Errors graph

This section indicates, in a time summation table, the number of errors generated in the various days.

Example chart

Event list

This table shows the history of the values ​​that have gone into error in the latest period of time. Use the "Go to Page" button to view the entire list.

Example graph

Devices list

Contains the list of devices added to the account, where you can view active alerts, location, view and edit the table of affected devices. This list is shorted to latest inserted devices, use the "Devices" menu to view the complete list.

Example graph