
The Townet ecosystem guarantees maximum control over your data, even when these are missing or anomalous situations. In these cases, the platform will send, via email or Telegram chat, the notice with the specified problem.


Alive represents the disconnection signal of your smartboxes from the mqtt server. The causes can be multiple, from device shutdown to local network errors.


This function enable limits tresholds to activate events when limits are exceeded. When the limits set in the settings section are exceeded, the system will log the error, sending a notification when it occurs and when it is resolved.

Instant Notification

This feature introduces better levels of security and control to your smartboxes.

To activate it, there are a few steps to do:

  • In the settings of the individual devices, activate the instant notification option: Example screenshot

There are two reception methods, each with its own settings:

  • In the settings of your Datamanager account, activate the options that interest you, by entering the emails in which you would like to receive the alerts:

Example screenshot

  • In your Telegram account, go to settings > instant notifications> select what you want to activate (red means deactivated).

Example screenshot